Introduction ChinguTalkBot is an AI communication assistant designed to enhance online interactions. This project integrates cutting-edge technologies and frameworks to create a seamless experience for users. It serves as a potent tool for businesses, communities, and individuals to engage effectively in real-time communication. Technical Overview ChinguTalkBot leverages React, AWS Amplify, and AWS Cognito to establish…
Category: AWS
How to renew Let’s Encrypt certificate
This article covers installing a standard Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate (not a wildcard) for websites hosted in a Lightsail instance with a Bitnami stack. Examples of these instance blueprints include WordPress, LAMP, Magento, and MEAN. If you have a different instance blueprint or want to install a wildcard certificate, see one of the following: Standard…
AWS Fullstack Application Deployment
Sorry! I’m currently busy at the moment. I’m working on creating demo. Instead, I want to show my github repository to show my code.
Demo: YVR IoT Cloud for Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (EMA)
The Environmental Monitoring and Analysis (EMA) Project is a Industry Sponsored Student Project (ISSP) in partnership with the BCIT Centre for Internet of Things (IoT) and the YVR Airport Innovation Hub. The Project aims to develop and deploy cloud infrastructure for IoT network devices that monitor environmental data in the canals around YVR Airport in…
Demo: Amazon ECS (Elastic Container Service)
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service. ECS has been a foundational pillar for key Amazon services, it can natively integrate with other services such as Amazon Route 53, Secrets Manager, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), and Amazon CloudWatch providing you a familiar experience to deploy and scale your containers. ECS allows…
SOLUTION – The authenticity of host can’t be established error
If you got permission denied error when you try to connect AWS EC2 instance, use this command:
Most basic of AWS – Create VPC and EC2 Instance
Instead of using Virtual box machine, I am going to use cloud. The most important thing is VPC Which stands for Virtual Private Cloud. Inside of VPC, there’s smaller set of hosting resources that are available in AWS Datacenter which is called Availability Zone (AZ). Each zone in a region has redundant and separate power,…